Madrid Gothic Week Performing Arts. Dance, Theatre and Recitals.
In 2013 Theatrific presents "Monstruoso", horror stories with a lot of humor for 2-5 years old children, performed by the actress and story teller Marisa Amado from Palique Group.
For adults, V SGM presents "Jekyll" by the theatre company "El Desván Teatro", which will be performed twice at the Paco Rabal Theatre. "Jekyll" is a gothic 'thriller' gótico based on "Strange case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Also, in collaboration with Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Theatrific offers a thrilling journey by certain artworks that will put the willies (classics macabre paintings, objects that bring beauty and terrible ...), accompanied by a recital of the best Gothic Literature. The poets Ignacio Vleming and Vanesa Pérez-Sauquillo will be the guides on this terrifying experience.